
An Overview of Dental Bonding

As with any type of dentistry, the objective with dental bonding is giving you a healthy and beautiful mouth and smile. For this reason, cosmetic dentistry has increased in popularity. With increased demand has also come new and improved techniques. This is where dental bonding comes into the dentistry field.

What is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding is a type of dentistry referred to as “adhesion” dentistry. Using adhesion techniques, a tooth-colored composite resin is bonded to your teeth and set with a dental curing ultraviolet light. This composite essentially becomes a hardened protective coat for damaged teeth.

During the bonding process, Dr.  Irina S. Adams will use her experience to sculpt the composite to resemble that of your natural teeth. Because the composite is a very pliable medium, it is easily sculpted into the perfect cover for cracks, chips, and to use as a natural looking filling for cavities. Provided there is enough of your natural tooth to hold the bond; there are very few limits to the possibilities available with dental bonding.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding affords many mental, aesthetic, and health benefits for your teeth and body. This simple and pain-free procedure can give you back your reason to smile.


Because the composite used in the dental bonding process comes in a variety of colors, it will blend almost flawlessly with your natural teeth. Allowing for chips and cracks to be covered without signs that they were ever damaged. This also allows for the replacement of traditional silver fillings for a natural looking smile.

Overall Health

Health benefits provided through dental bonding come in the form of repaired teeth that will not cause infections that can cause problems in other parts of your body as well. Because it protects your teeth from further damage, dental bonding helps avoid additional health risks, when paired with an overall good oral hygiene routine.

Mental Health

Mental benefits are seen from the application of dental bonding by restoring the levels of confidence that are often lost with imperfections in your smile. This natural looking bond will give you the boost in confidence needed to show your smile to the world.

How Do I Get Started?

Getting started with dental bonding is easy. You can contact the amazing staff at the office of Irina S. Adams and set up an appointment. We have also made it convenient to request an appointment right from the website, and one of our staff will contact you to make your appointment.